Information about the vessel - Sailing vessel Stormvogel, sailing in an authentic way

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Information about the vessel

The Stormvogel has a length of 20 metres and a width of 4,12 metres. At daytrips and longer stays, a maximum of 12 persons can join us. The spacious seats outside offer a safe and comfortable zone to all the guests and crew. The lounge is also spacious and has a well-equiped kitchen where the meals can be prepared.

The Stormvogel is a unique vessel!


Unique at speed and accomodation...

The results of the matches prove that the Stormvogel is a fast and easy to sail ship. The skipper and the crew try to sail as much as possible. The motor is being used only when really necessary.

Unique at design...

The Stormvogel aims at small groups. Its cosy and comfortable design are the ideal base for a relaxed ambience. The literally short lines between guests and crew will make sure the cooperation is perfect.

Unique are also the waters at Zeeland and Holland...                                                                   

Where the Stormvogel sails. With a lot of variation in nature, on the water and at the islands. Nature, relaxation and peace are the key words which describe a sailing trip with the Stormvogel through this unique area the best.

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